Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Office Haterism

I forgot that I had two gripes today. Office haterism is alive and well in my place of employment.
Now I know that ideally an employee shouldn't be making personal calls at work but hey-it happens! Why is it that you always have that one person that waits until you get on the phone to ask you for something? Now this doesn't happen while you are on a business call nor is the request for something the person cannot access them self. I am so envious of those with doors to their office not cubes.

Ok maybe 3 :)
This brings me to another quick issue. I recently got forced to move desks. My new desk is adjacent to the office ear hustle squad. Now my computer screen is visible to all who walk by (and I believe my phone calls are listened to). I'm not one to look at inappropriate sites at work but I am sending personal emails, checking my fav sites, doing a little online window shopping, etc. and I don't need everyone in my screen! I considered buying a privacy screen that goes over my monitor but those things are over $100! I'll keep minimizing for that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL...sounds like you have a lot going on at work --Kita