Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Brown Girl at Work

Ok so here's my daily frustration of being a brown employee surrounded by non-brown employees:

1. I am all for the Asian concept of Feung Shui so I hate the fact that my back is facing the entrance of my cube. Why is it that when a certain few visit my cube they loose track of what they are saying because they are so focused on reading my screen?! I guess they think they are going to catch me on some crazy website but I'm already on to them so I give them something to read. Like an email that says "Stop reading my email"...ugh!

2. The same annoying people are also cube weasels. A cube weasel is a person who just pops their head over your cube! Why do I look up and see your eyes?! No "Hi" or "Hey, how's your day", they just look over my cube spying on me until I realize they are there. ...ugh!

3. And then we got the folks who make up reasons to come to my desk just to see what the freak I'm doing! Their questions are usually.."did you get my email" knowing damn well they haven't even sent it yet!

4. Lastly, why am I the only women who dresses like a woman? Why are ladies coming to work looking like a "What Not To Wear" episode? I've had enough! Stop wearing menswear to your place of employment. Get some pumps and some lip gloss and get it together!

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